Monday, 9 April 2018

Small Piece of Advice

Make a long list of reasons to be happy. When the saddest points of your life hit you, read the list.
If you act upon this small piece of advice, you will see how much of a positive effect it has on your life.
You have Eyes to see with. There are people out there who were born blind and can never see the beautiful things you are able to look at everyday. 曆
You have food to eat everyday  but did you know that every 3 seconds there is a child somewhere in this world that dies due to hunger.
You have safety & security which is priceless. There are people out there who have been imprisoned unjustly and are being raped and tortured in unimaginable ways. No friends, no family and no help..Imagine how their days pass.⏳
Say Alhamdulillah for the countless blessings you have! ✨
Comment below and remind us all of at least 1 thing we can all be grateful for ⬇


🍃Spend a few moments each day to stare at yourself in the mirror ..
Umar Ibn Khattab used to say:
“Hold yourself accountable before you are held to account” meaning question yourself. What good have I done today?
Assess everything you’ve done & said at the end of each day. If there is something you said or done which does not befit a good human being to do, then rectify it by making a firm resolve to not do or say it the next day. Keep doing this until you reach as close to perfection as possible.
Self reflection is the school of wisdom, it is a humbling process. You are your own teacher. The best teacher if you put effort into it. The more reflective you are the more effective you become.🌸