Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Importance of Eating Halal

All praises are due to Allah the almighty, who chose Islam to be our religion and who created us from nothing and granted us existence and blessed us with the light of Imaan. May peace and salutations be upon the seal of all prophets and the leader of all Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAW); who openly showed us and guided us towards what is Halal and permissible and instructed us to abstain from that which is Haraam and forbidden. Also may there be mercy upon his companions; who were the guiding stars for this Ummah and they were those that preserved the teachings of Rasulullah (SAW). May Allah ta’aala protect us and save us from those acts which he has forbidden and take us towards those which he is pleased with. My respected brothers, sisters and all those reading this article – one thing we really need to understand and engrave into our hearts is that us coming into existence and being sent to this temporary world is not through our own wish. It is all through Allah, the most high. For every action Allah does he has a purpose although we may or may not understand the wisdom behind it but surely there’s always a hidden benefit and a strong reason. Similarly is the case of our existence and our stay in this world. Allah mentions the reason in the Qur’an – that he created mankind so that they may worship him (Allah the almighty). With regards to worship and obedience – all those things that Allah wants us to abstain from and all the good he wants us to do are included in worship and obedience. So it is compulsory upon us that we follow Allah’s commands and we live our lives in accordance to Shari’ah. Islam does not stop us from enjoying ourselves in this world as long as it’s within the limits of the Shari’ah, because all the blessings and bounties that we enjoy in our lives are all from Allah SWT and Allah has clearly stated in the Qur’an in Surah Takathur “Surely you will all be asked of the blessings”. Basically Allah will ask us how we used those blessings that he gave us and did we fulfil the rights of them. Now for everything there are due rights, and from all the blessings of Allah, the most kind and the most merciful, I want to briefly touch upon one. One which has a very deep and strong connection with our body, I am referring to food and consuming food. These are two great bounties of Allah and in these two Allah has put many other amazing things and blessings which we don’t even ponder over or pay attention towards. Nevertheless, as humans naturally we have an inclination towards food and also Allah has made it such that without it we would die. So more than being an inclination it’s actually a necessity for each and every person. Now the important factor is that each and every person has to eat and through his food his body will be nourished and be able to function and he/she will be able to carry out day-to-day activities. As Muslims we strongly believe that food has a strong effect on our physical, mental and spiritual state. If one eats pure (Halal) and earns it in a Halal manner then the strength he or she will gain from it will be much more than one who consumes Haraam and also earns from Haraam means. We understand this from the following Hadith of Allah’s beloved messenger (SAW), “Whoever eats pure (Halal) and carries out good actions (i.e. Good deeds), and his neighbours are safe from him (i.e. he refrains from troubling his neighbours) then such a person will enter Jannah”. Subhanallah, in this Hadith Rasulullah (SAW) has clearly given glad tidings for a person who acts upon this advice. Furthermore, in this Hadith we see Rasulullah (SAW) first of all mentioned eating Halal – the reason is because once Halal food has entered the body then the functioning of the body will be much stronger due to the spiritual effect and then it will make it easier for one to do good and perform good actions. We now understand how important and effective eating pure and Halal food is. Also from various verses we learn that one is not permitted to eat Haraam and Allah has mentioned to us which animals we may consume and those that we cannot. Likewise Allah has made it clear that one is not permitted to eat Haram unless one is starving to death and in a place where there’s no Halal item at all and one knows that if he or she doesn’t eat then he or she will die; only then a small amount of Haraam food will be allowed for consumption just so that one can survive. Allah has also mentioned that it’s not about eating the right and suitable animal but also the method of slaughter is very important. It is not permissible to eat or slaughter the animal by any method, one must recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar and cut the three vessels of the animal from the neck and the neck shouldn’t be completely severed from the head of the animal. Nowadays we don’t usually slaughter the animals ourselves but we still need to worry about the method of slaughter and we should have a full guarantee that the meat/chicken we are consuming is fully Halal and it has been slaughtered in a manner that adheres to the standards of the Islamic rulings. Eating Halal is not only associated with meat and chicken. Some only try their utmost in buying Halal meat and chicken and then leave or forget to check the ingredients for their normal day to day food items. Wherever we shop we must pay attention and be careful as to what items we buy and we should carefully read the ingredients because there are many items these days that contain pork gelatine etc. Similarly, when we buy sweets nowadays people think if it says halal gelatine then it’s permissible to eat, because with sweets it’s the same case as with actual meat because gelatine comes from the animal. So gelatine from a Halal (permissible) animal which was slaughtered using the Halal method would be Halal. So we must be vigilant when we buy items and look at what we are consuming. If we are negligent then it shall affect our physical and spiritual health. May Allaah guide us to the right path and keep us steadfast on it until we depart from this world. Aameen...

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