Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Naseebah Bint Ka'b Radiyallahu Anha - She Is A Timeless Blade Of Bravery & Piety
Sister, are you looking for a role model or a source of inspiration perhaps?
Or brother, are you looking for a story to tell your mother, your sister, your wife or your kids that would boost their imaan?
Or you just simply want to be motivated, inspired and be in a state of wonder for hours?
In sha Allaah today, I am sharing to all of you, one of the most influential companions of our beloved Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam, with whom he Sallallahu Alaihi wassalaam praised for her bravery and made du'a for.
It’s quite long but it’s worth the read.
Naseebah Bint Ka'b Radiyallahu Anha
She was known as Umm ‘Ammarah, While her real name was Naseebah bint Ka'b al-Maziniyah al-Ansariyah Radiyallahu Anha ____
She is a unique and distinguished personality and a great model. She lives in the hearts of the Muslims like a brilliant torch!
Whenever I tried to write about her and scrutinize the pages of her life journey, I always feel overwhelmed, and a sense of humility and insignificance overcomes me.
O’ Umm Ammarah, it is with due respect to and love for you that I am humbly acquainting our daughters, sisters and mothers with lessons drawn from your faith, your struggle in the way of Allah and your motherliness, at a time that we are all in dire need of these lessons. For, these days, truths have been mixed with falsehood, things have been turned upside down and minds wander aimlessly so much so that we do not know how to move or where to go.
Perhaps, we will all have a resurgence that can bring us out of the abyss of loss to the peak: of the straight path, the path of those on whom Allah favoured with His Mercy.
Umm Ammarah had no son whose name is Ammarah from whom her nickname is derived. It was only a nickname for which she was known.
She was in the prime of her youthfulness and newly-wed when she had the honour of meeting the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam in the middle of the night at the 'Aqabah in Mina along with a delegation of the Ansar.
They all embraced Islam and she did; and they swore their allegiance and she did. A sister of her, known as Umm Manee’ was also with her, and she also swore allegiance.
Al-Waqidi narrated from Ibn Abi Sa'Sa’ from Umm 'Ammarah that she said, “The men were placing their hands in the hand of the Messenger of Allah on the night of’ Aqabah giving their allegiance while 'Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle was holding his hand. When it was my turn and that of my sister, Umm Manee’. my husband, 'Arabah ibn 'Amr said: 'Messenger of Allah, here are two women who came with us to swear allegiance to you.’ The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said, 'I accept their allegiance upon things regarding which I accept yours. I do not shake women’s hands.’ ”
Articles of the pledge of’ Aqabah are the first foundation upon which the great change, that took place in the course of da wah was based. These changes include moving from passive Jihad to active one; and from enduring persecution and remaining steadfast to waging a relentless and an uncompromising fight against polytheism and kufr (disbelief).
It is a jihad that is not restricted to the swords, the spears and the battle fields. It is rather a jihad that includes war against all kinds of corruptions and deviations and in order to build the individual and the society.
Umm 'Ammarah has been filled with the spirit of Eeman and Islam since the day the first propagator, Mus'ab ibn 'Umayr started propagating Islam in Yathrib assiduously with a careful and objective work, cogent argument, agreeable logic and with wisdom and excellent admonition.
By Allah’s grace and plan, Mus'ab was able to turn Yathrib, with its Aws and Khazraj tribes, into helpers of Islam and its Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam asked Mus'ab, “How was Madeenah when you left it?”
He said, “I left it while there was no house in which the name of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam was not being mentioned. It is either members of that house have all embraced Islam or they were busy talking about this pure and new religion. Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam was the topic of their meetings, gatherings and conversations.”
Umm 'Ammarah physically and emotionally filled with faith and she travelled along with the Yathrib delegation to Makkah to make the pledge of 'Aqabah.
Meeting with the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam was the greatest goal and the highest love so Allah filled her heart and her mind with happiness and self-denial in the way of responding to the call of Islam. Those were the first influencing factors.
There should be no wonder then when we see Umm 'Ammarah in her stances, her roles and her being around the Messenger of Allah rising high to become a shinning star whose light never dies and whose illumination never withers and which consistently move in its orbit.
There are vivid qualities in her character, but the most vivid one is her fight in the way of Allah, more so with sword.
Ibn Hajar said: “She (Umm 'Ammarah) witnessed the pledge of 'Aqabah and she also pledged allegiance. She participated in the battles of Uhud, Hudaybiyah and Khaybar and participated in 'Umrat al-Qada. She also witnessed the conquest of Makkah and participated in the campaigns of Hunayn and Yamamah. [1]
This means Umm 'Ammarah witnessed and participated in the greatest and the most important battles. Her presence was distinctly recognized more than that of other women who took part in these battles. This distinct presence has its factors and consequences.
Let us start with the battle of Uhud that took place in the month of Shawwal, the third year of Hijrah.
This battle was named so because it took place between the Muslims and the polytheists at the precinct of Mount Uhud that lies on the north-east outskirt of Madeenah. It is the greatest mountain on the eastern part of the city.
Umm Sa'eed bint Sa’d ibn Rabee’ narrated that she visited Umm 'Ammarah and asked her participation in the battle of Uhud and she replied, "I went out in the forenoon with a water vessel in my hand. I came to the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam while he was with his Companions and the Muslims were winning the war. But when the Muslims were later defeated I moved to the side of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam. I engaged in fighting and started protecting the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam with the sword while at the same time, shooting arrows until 1 was wounded.”
Umm Sa'eed said, “And I saw a deep and hollow injury in her shoulder. ”
Umm 'Ammarah’s stand on the day of Uhud was well-known to earlier and latter generations. The people narrate to one another this stand with pride, pity and love.
Umm 'Ammarah went to the battle of Uhud not to fight. She rather went there in order to give water to the thirsty. Perhaps, she also went there to take care of the injured. She did not carry any sword, bow or arrow.
Then, the unexpected happened! The archers disobeyed the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam by abandoning the position he commanded them to man wanting to collect booties. The tide then turned against the Muslims in favour of the Quraysh and many elder Companions martyred.
The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam escaped on to the top of the Mountain of Uhud and no one remains with him but a few Companions defending him with their bodies and souls; his molar teeth was broken and he was injured in the face and his pure blood was shed.
It was then that Umm 'Ammarah dropped her vessel of water and the zeal of her faith was swirled up, boiling like a cooking kettle in her feminine nature. She snatched a sword from one of the escaping fighters and a bow and an arrow from another. She stood firm defending the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and he saw her around him in this great stance of hers and her glorious defence for him. He also saw the enemy of Allah, Ibn Qami'ah moving closer to her. So he called upon her son to protect her.
Umm 'Ammarah felt this call, not only with her ears, but with her entire being and feelings. She also felt it with all her senses and from within love of Eeman that flourished in her heart. She then said, “O’ Messenger of Allah, invoke Allah to make us your Companions in Paradise!”
That was the goal she was aspiring for in this world and the Hereafter!
She was not concerned with the safety of her body and life, neither was she concerned about wealth or fame or any of the things of this world. She only wanted to be among the dwellers of Paradise and to be in the company of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam!
Such is the reality of faith, purity of certainty and wholesomeness of Islam. We are saying this, as an admonition, to ourselves, to our families and to all those who work in the field ofIslamic propagation and resurgence.
The Messenger or Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam then supplicated for her saying, “O’ Allah, make them my Companions in Paradise.”
Umm 'Ammirah said, “After this, I do not care about whatever happens.”
The supplication of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam actualized on the entire household of Umm 'Ammarah. Her sons, 'Abdullah and Habeeb were martyred in the way of Allah.
Allah’s enemy, Ibn Qami'ah was able to overcome Umm 'Ammarah. He hit her neck with sword and made her suffer a deep wound that she continued to nurse for the rest of her life until she died and met the pleasure of Allah.
Umm 'Ammarah won a medal in the battle of Uhud that was a source of pride for her, in spite of the severe pain she suffered. No sooner had this wound relieved her a little through treatment that it started to deteriorate anew.
She also had an invocation from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and from his noble heart, that served as a provision for her in the remaining years of her life and as a light throughout the darkness of nights and days and with which she dispelled the darkness of events, making her a radiating model.
'Umar ibn al-Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu narrates to us from the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam his noble saying, “Whenever I turned left or right on the day of the battle of Uhud, I always saw her (Umm 'Ammarah) fighting in my defense.”
Besides the medal that Umm 'Ammarah carried since the battle of Uhud and the invocation the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam made for her that Allah should make her his Companion in Paradise, she also won a noble and high commendation by which she attained the ranks of the heroic fighters in the way of Allah. This was before the hijab was made obligatory and the women were commanded to stay in their houses and before they were told that their Hajj was their jihad.
The ship of life proceeded with her in a wave that was like mountains!
Umm 'Ammarah experienced great occurrences in her family that if these occurrences were to be brought upon huge mountains they would have turned them to a levelled plain or to fluffed up wool. But this woman, in the depth of her heart, as a result of the blessing of her Companionship with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and his supplication for her, was extremely strong and very much persevering.
The Prophet’s choice fell upon her son Habeeb, as one of his two envoys to Musaylamah the liar of the clan of Banu Haneefah who claimed prophethood. Habeeb was the younger of her two sons from her first husband, Zayd ibn 'Asim. He was handsome, gentlehearted, strong in Eeman, steadfast and truly dear to the heart of Umm 'Ammarah.
When he delivered the message and fulfilled the trust assigned to him, Musaylamah asked him, “Do you believe that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?” He answered in the affirmative.
Musaylamah then said, “Do you believe that I am a Messenger of Allah?” He said, “I can’t hear.”
Musaylamah ran into a fury and commanded that Habeeb be tortured until he testified that he was a messenger of Allah. So his limbs were then cut piece by piece while he was tied up. He did not utter anything but a testimony to the Oneness of Allah and the Messengership of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam. He continued in this state until he breathed his last and his soul ascended to its Creator. And the sad new was brought to Umm 'Ammarah.
The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam in the company of Abu Bakr and'Umar Radiyallahu Anhum came to her to console her on this great calamity concerning her son, the beloved Habeeb. It was at a time that the deep wound in her neck had deteriorated and her pains had become severe. She was, in fact, overwhelmed by calamities. But she bore all that with extraordinary perseverance.
She vowed that she would witness and take part in the killing of Musaylamah the liar as she vowed that she would not touch her body with water until she fulfilled this vow, as a way of fulfilling the obligation she owed to Allah and His Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and as a way of avenging the death of her son Habeeb.
After the death of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam; Abu Bakr and 'Umar would visit her to assure, console and honour her until the Wars of Apostasy and the battle of Yamamah took place. Inevitably, the caliph Abu Bakr could not but agree to Umm 'Ammarah’s request to fulfll her vow. He allowed her to set out for the war with the Muslim army.
Then, Umm 'Ammarah was already ageing and she had became feeble. Though her head was already covered with grey hair, her heart was still exuberating with faith. The good word is like a pleasant tree whose root is firm and whose branch is in the sky. It gives out its fruits all the time with the permission of its Lord. How then, can this tree be affected with weakness and dryness? How could Umm 'Ammarah be affected with stagnation?!
It is one of the strange acts of destiny that Wahshi ibn Harb who killed Hamzah in the battle of Uhud was also the one who killed Musaylamah, and with the same javelin.
While the battle was raging, Umm 'Ammarah with her son 'Abdullah on her side were pushing their way into the rows of fighters looking for Musaylamah in order to reach him and take revenge from him.
In that battle, Umm 'Ammarah sustained more than twelve wounds in different parts of her body; and she bled profusely. Her arm was cut off, starting from her already injured neck. In spite of that, she proceeded in pursuance of her goal without feeling any pain.
She was directed to Musaylamah who was lying in the ground wounded. Wahshi’s javelin had penetrated deep into his body. Umm 'Ammarah moved closer to him and started hitting him with a spear until he died. She then felt some sense of satisfaction and was a bit relieved.
When she returned to Madeenah, she came to meet her appointed time. It was only a little after her return that she surrendered her soul peacefully, smilingly and willingly.
And tomorrow she will meet her loved ones: Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and his Companions, and she will be fortunate to be in his company.
Dear reader, this is another aspect of the personality of Umm 'Ammarah. It is an aspect that is not less important:
She was a narrator of hadith who had an excellent memory. She narrated to us some ahadith of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam. Therefore, the scholarly aspect of her life also has its place and importance.
You will notice that some of her narrations contain fiqh and islamic legal rules.
For example, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah reported in their Sunan on the authority of Urum 'Ammarah that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam visited her and she presented him with food. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam told her, “Eat.” She said, “I am fasting.” The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam then said, “If food is eaten in the house of a fasting person, the angels will invoke blessing on him.”
Abu Dawood also reported on the authority of Umm 'Ammarah that, “The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam wanted to perform ablution and a vessel that contained a one third mudd of water was brought to him.”
Ibn Majah also reported on the authority of Umm 'Ammarah that she said, “I was looking at the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam while he was slaughtering his sacrificial camels with a spear, in a standing
position. ”
Al-Waqidi reported that Umm 'Ammarah said, “Men were shaking the hands of the Messenger of Allah~) in the night of (thepledge of) 'Aqabah while al-'Abbas (his uncle) was holding the Prophet’s hand. When it remained only me and Umm Manee’, my husband, 'Arabah ibn 'Amr said, 'Messenger of Allah, these are two women who came with us to pledge their allegiance to you.’ The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said, 'I have accepted their pledge upon what I accepted your pledge on, for I do not shake women’s hands.’”
May Allah be pleased with Umm 'Ammarah and please her..
May He make Paradise her abode and make her a model to be emulated by our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters . Ameen
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