Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb : Mujaheed which Is Istiqamah To The End

Name Ash Shaheed (kama nahsabuhu) Sayyid Qutb is now busy discussed again after one of his books Zhilalil Quran Tafsir Fi Volume 2 on the list of books in Kejari supervision. As to whether the figure of the propaganda fighters? and any comments of Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdese of his writings?
Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur`an. Most of the Muslims in this century know tafseer nuance siyasi and the haraki. The author is Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb, a major figure in contemporary Islamic thought most prominent.
His full name is Sayyid Qutb bin Ibrahim. He was born in Musyah, Asiyuth Province, the coast of Egypt, dated October 9, 1906. His early education was Islamic Elementary School in the village in 1912 and graduated in 1918. Revolution of 1919 in the country makes Sayyid Qutb quit school for two years.

Born as the second son of four children, since childhood elder brother Muhammad Qutb of thinkers have been introduced and brought up in an Islamic environment. As is the tradition of the Muslims, since childhood Sayyid Qutb educated strictly by both parents. The results are quite proud of. Not even 10 years old, Qutb had memorized Al-Qur`an. His ability is in line with expectations of his mother. In his diary, Taswir Al Fanni fi Al-Qur`an, he stated, 'The greatest hope is that the mother of Allah pleased to open my heart, so I could memorize Al-Qur`an and read it in front of her mother well. Now I have memorized, so I have fulfilled most of the expectations of the mother. '
His education continued in 1920, in Cairo, with the entry into Muallimin Madrasah Al-Awaliyah 1922, then went to Darul Ulum School Preparation, 1925. After that, he went to Darul Ulum University in 1929 and graduated in 1933 with a degree in the field Lisance literature
The first Islamic book was written he was At-Tashawwur Al Fanni fil Qur`an and began to distance themselves from Al-Aqqad.Departemen literary school of Education, where he worked sent him to visit the United States, to examine the curriculum and the American educational system. He was in America only two years, then returned to Egypt on 20 August 1950, then was promoted to Assistant Supervisor Art Research at the Ministry of Education. Date October 18, 1952, he submitted his resignation.

The world of writing is no stranger to Sayyid Qutb. Since his youth he has been honing his writing skills. Hundreds of papers in various newspapers and magazines Egyptian contains his writings, such as the magazine Al-Ahram, Al-Risalah, and Ats-Tsaqafah. He himself published a magazine called Al-Alam Al-Arabi and Al-Jadid Fikrul, in addition to leading the weekly newspaper Al-the Muslim Brotherhood in 1953.
In the paper-paper, he always fight against forms of damage and irregularities in the social, political and economic Egypt. The parties responsible for the damage, the government is the target of his criticism. In addition, he always make Islam as a solution to all of the damage that occurred. With this kind of propaganda movement, Sayyid Qutb was always present in the midst of the Egyptian people's lives. He asserted that Britain, high-ranking royal and government become lackeys of the invaders and to collaborate with them, party leaders, feudalism, and conglomerate, a major source of the causes of underdevelopment Egypt.

 Sayyid Qutb determine his path to become a mujahid preaching in 1947. He began calling for the revival of Islam and called for the commencement of life based on Islam.
Sayyid Qutb called on the people to return to salafush aqidah Salih. Thinking he is thought salafi, clean of stains. Their thinking is focused on the theme of pure monotheism, explanation of the intrinsic meaning of La ilaha illa Allah, explanation of the true nature of faith as mentioned Al-Qur`an and Sunnah. In many of his books, he emphasized the importance of the problem hakimiyah and loyalty should be purely for Allah.
His books are the most important are as follows:

Fi Zhilalil Qur`an
Milestones Fith Thariq
At-Thaswir Al Fanni fil Qur`an
As-Salam Al-Alami Islam wal
Dirasat Islamiyah
Fit Date Fikratun wa Minhaj
Al-Mustaqbal li Hadza Ad-Dln
Al-Islam wa Musykilatul hadara
Was al-Islam al-fil Ijtima'iyah
and others.

 Sayyid Qutb in Memories
Abdullah Al-Aqil, author of Al-Harakat Min A'lami wa Ad-Da'wa al-Islamiya Al-Mu'ashirah said that his impression of Sayyid Qutb, "When I was in High School bench, I was not so keen to Sayyid Qutb. Because he was affiliated to Al-Aqqad flow. I am pleased at the Ar flow-Rafi'i and his students, like Said Al-'Iryan, Ali Thanthawi, and Mahmud Muhammad Shakir. Once I was in Egypt, read his writings in the magazine Al-Jadid Fikrul, examine the paper on Hasan Al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood in Ad-Da'wah magazine starting to get interested in this character. After that I attended a seminar at his home. Listening to lectures awesome Jam'iyah Asy-Syubbanul Muslim Brotherhood to oppose the French. Knowing the demands release degrees and diplomas France to defend the Muslims in North Africa. And reading the paper-paper on the major parades have no effect. Then all the closer me up with him and had a high position in my heart. I have always read all the books and paper with enthusiasm and miss.
Shaykh Khalil Al-Hamidi, secretary of Al-Mawdudi, relates: "In 1966, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, precisely at Hotel Syabra, Arab Muslim youths enter upon Ustaz Al-Mawdudi and handed him the book Milestones fith Tariq Sayyid Qutb. Al-Mawdudi read the book overnight. In the morning, he said, 'I guess, I had written this book.' Al-Mawdudi surprised at the closeness of thought herself with the thought of Sayyid Qutb. Al-Mawdudi said, 'No one should be surprised, because the source of the thought of Sayyid Qutb and judgment that one, namely Al-Qur`an and Sunnah'. 

 King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz when he heard that Sayyid Qutb be put to death, immediately sent a telegram to Abdun Nasir Jamal dated August 28, 1966. King Faisal hoped Abdun Nasir does not impose the death penalty on Sayyid Qutb. Sami Neural handed telegram King Faisal afternoon to Andun Nasir, then Abdun Nasir said to Sami Nerve, "Carry out the death penalty tomorrow morning at dawn and give me a telegram after executions." Abdun Nasir send a telegram in reply to the King Faisal and explain the telegram up to him after the executions. Execution against Sayyid Qutb carried out before dawn the day Monday, August 29, 1966.
Executions against Sayyid Qutb preceded treason against him by Abdun Nasir Jamal, 1965. At that time, Abdun Nasir was in Moscow and announced from there that there was an attempt to assassinate him and overthrow his government by the Muslim Brotherhood under the leadership of Sayyid Qutb. Finally, Sayyid Qutb was arrested on August 9, 1965. Further inquiry held against Sayyid Qutb in prison of war dated December 19, 1965 for three days and finally impose the death penalty on Sayyid Qutb, dated August 21, 1966. The decision is of course to have alarmed and angry most of the Muslims throughout the world.
Sayyid Qutb's death sentence to a painful tragedy for Muslims, shook the Arab world and Islam, angered clerics, preachers and Islamic societies. Muslims strongly condemn this heinous crime is not, pray unseen across the East and West, Islam newspaper featuring a special edition of the Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb and his colleagues. Ulema and preachers expect the criminals involved in the hanging of Sayyid Qutb received a reply from the punishment of Allah.

Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb once said, "The index finger every day testifies to God during prayer monotheism refused to write a word of recognition for the tyrant. If I was sentenced for the truth, I am willing to legal truth. If I was imprisoned by the evil, never to me'm compassionate to sleaze. "
Tyrants, rulers dzalim thought that by killing Sayyid Qutb meant the suppression of Islam. They were wrong and Allah does not allow it. Evidently, the works of Sayyid Qutb is thriving throughout the world, most of the books printed twenty-five more publishers, and translated into various languages, to the world community know Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb, his thoughts, his mission, why he was punished dead? Who tyrant behind the implementation of the death penalty? For whom he put to death?
Sayyid Qutb once said, "Al-Qur`an not reveal his secret, except to those who went to war armed with Al-Qr'an and jihad for the sake of defense."

A poem he wrote from behind bars with Akhi/Brother title. This poem depicts a strong faith in the chest Ash-Shaheed and geloran preaching struggle unflagging. Here are excerpts of his poems,
'My brother, you are independent despite being behind bars
Brother, you are free although handcuffed and shackled
When you are in Allah cling
Then the enemy does not harm deceit
O my brother, forces of darkness will perish
and a new dawn will dawn in the universe
remove the longing soul
you will see the dawn of a far been shining
brother, you do not saturate fight
you throw the weapons of both shoulders
Who will treat the wounds of the victims
and exalt back the banner of jihad? "
Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb. May Allah bestow mercy upon him, gave birth to the next generation of propaganda and gather us all together in the ranks of the mujahideen. Aameen .

Allahu a'lam . JazakAllahu Khairan. 

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