Monday, 9 May 2016

Zaid ibn Thabit, the author of Revelation and Science Expert heir

The process of collecting the Koran in the Manuscripts that are now read by all Muslims in all parts of the world could not be separated from the role of the companions of the Prophet. During the decline of revelation, the two methods used to collect the Qur'an. Keeping through rote friends and through writing.
In terms of preservation through writing the Koran, the Prophet had a personal secretary who is appointed directly by him to write down the revelation. One of the four friends who are appointed Zaid ibn Thabit, who once appointed Abu Bakr to write the Koran into a codex. And appointed Uthman to write the Koran into one type of reading.
Zaid ibn Thabit was born of a woman descendants Najjar, Nawar bint Shirmah ibn Malik ibn Malik ibn Adi ibn al-Najjar. Zaid before the birth, these women dream of standing on the side of the Kaaba while enjoying kiswah yellow and green silk. Not only that, after giving birth, she saw the beam of a baby that illuminate the house.

Zaid grew up with his brother, Yazid. He was much loved by his mother and the people around him. They were both educated to become a hero who would defend his people-Khazraj tribe, who was then incessantly hostile to them- mortal enemy Aus tribe.
Since childhood, Zaid has felt the awkwardness of his father when idolatry in front of their house. Especially when his father accidentally hit an idol to fall scattered. At the age of ten years that his father went to war against Aws. Unexpectedly, that his last meeting with his father.
After the death of his father, Zaid became one of the children on earth miserable Yathrib. But her mother always supported his son, especially for learning. Nawar sent his son to study with a teacher. The first time he was able to write his own name, his mother was very proud of that. They never thought that the ability Zaid wrote that's going to take on a major project writing eternal scriptures of all time.
For many years he learned to read and write to the teacher is none other than the own neighbors. However, he never learned about the idols they worshiped. Until one day, the people of Yathrib delighted to welcome guests from Makkah. They are nothing but a group of the Prophet Muhammad. The arrival of Yathrib residents to open their hearts to receive the light of Islam.

 No exception Zaid and his mother. Even his mother recorded the ranks muslimat early generations. Even small Zaid also has participated to help build the mosque of the Prophet. In studying the Koran was Zaid has a high motivation to memorize it. At age eleven, he was taken by the leaders of Bani Najjar before the Prophet. In the presence of small Zaid Prophet recite the letters that have been memorized. Prophet also welcomed and greeted Zaid full of warmth and fatherly. He listened to the reading Zaid dilafalkannya in a melodious voice and clear.
When he was thirteen years old, the war rages on in the field of Badr. At that time Zaid has a desire to participate in jihad, but he was forbidden by the Prophet as yet have the knowledge and experience to jihad. Similarly, in the following year when war raged back at Uhud, the Prophet still prohibit Zaid. Finally, while waiting for the next battle, he mobilized and multiply the energy to study and memorize the Koran. It was only at the age of fifteen years, Zaid allowed the Prophet helped dig trenches in the battle of the Trench.
Zaid intelligence and accuracy, making it won the trust of the Prophet to be one of the revelations taker. Every Quranic verses down, he dictated them to Zaid ago recorded on stone slabs, the stem of a palm tree, or PVC leather. The notes here that would become official codification project references the Koran. Meanwhile, he also made agreements and treaties with the Jews. Jews are known to have falsified and changed their books. For that, the Prophet asked for Zaid to learn the language Syriac and Hebrew. Only within fifteen days, Zaid has mastered both languages.

Zaid remained with the Prophet to study and record the passages from the Koran. He also honored and glorified. He was pious and including fatwas master interpreter fiqh and sharia. He is comparable to the magistrates of other companions, like Ubay ibn Ka'b, Muadh ibn Jabal, and Abdullah ibn Masud. Even the Prophet once said, People who are most expert faraid among you was Zaid ibn Thabit.
Similarly, in the caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Yamamah war that caused many memorized martyr, move the hearts of Umar bin Khattab to propose the writing of the Koran on the caliph. In this case, Zaid ibn Thabit was responsible for project mobilization Koran during Abu Bakr's caliphate. Similarly, at the time of Uthman ibn Affan. The more widespread impact on the territory of the Islamic government of Muslims who not only come from the Arabs. This leads to different readings of the Qur'an among Muslims. On the proposal Hudhayfah, Caliph Uthman bin Affan ordered to write the script of the Qur'an into one reading. The manuscript is written in some copies and sent to several regions of Islam. And Zaid ibn Thabit, including one in charge of the script writing projects. Scripts are now read the Muslims all over the world.
Zaid died in 45 H. Nothing is mourned by his departure. Many people say about this guy, Zaid ibn Thabit excel in two branches: the Koran and faraid. Meanwhile, Abdullah ibn Abbas also commented I swear to Allah, we have lost a great scholar.

Allahu a'lam .JazakAllah Khairan 

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